Association Française de Chirurgie du Pied - AFCP / FFAS

Organisé par l’EFAS.

We are pleased to announce that registration for the EFAS Advanced Symposium is open!

The primary goal for this EFAS Advanced Symposium is to provide a forum for delegates to acquire the knowledge set needed in the rescue and “bailout” of complications resulting from foot and ankle procedures. Experts will review challenging complications cases of forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot, ankle, soft tissues, and trauma procedures and discuss their early recognition, management, and prevention through a case-based approach. Delegates will present their cases and faculty will also present their own from the hospital locker. Opportunity for hands-on experience with the equipment needed for “bailout” and rescue from complications will be available throughout the Industry Exhibition and Workshops.




Quand ?
6 au 8 décembre 2023

Où ?
Madrid, Espagne

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